Foreign Investment for industrial projects

Foreign Investment for industrial projects


Iran’s mining and manufacturing industries are a profitable target for foreign investors. Most equipment

are old or not sufficient because that is caused by several years of sanctions. The mineral potential of

Iran in oil and stone material has prepared it a good place for foreign investments. At the moment we

have some high profit projects in oil & stone industries. We offers the following services for foreign

investors to smooth the way of reaching to high profits.

  • Review the project and check it for foreign investment
  • Preparing the Business Plan
  • Necessary correspondence procedures, meetings and exhibitions attendance, and trips to areas of interest for investment feasibility.
  • Administrative preparations for obtaining permission of foreign investment in the country and finally securing the conditions to guarantee the profit of investor.


At the moment bellow well profit project is available. Please contact us for more information.

  1. Mobile Oil Treator: Mobile systems that include 14 trailer and save waste oil and desalinate it.